Halloween is just around the corner and we bet you are as excited as we are!
However, if you don’t have any particular plans yet, don’t worry – your Halloween doesn’t need to suck. You can still dress up, wear your costume, give candy to kids and make them laugh with these howl-arious Halloween jokes.
Let’s get into it!
Best Halloween Jokes
- How can you tell when a vampire has been in a bakery?
All the jelly has been sucked out of the jelly doughnuts.
- How do vampires get around on Halloween?
On blood vessels.
- What would be the national holiday for a nation of vampires?
- Why did the Headless Horseman get a job?
He was trying to get ahead in life.
- What can you catch from a vampire in winter?
- The skeleton couldn’t help being afraid of the storm—he just didn’t have any guts
- What do ghosts wear when their eyesight gets blurred?
- Knock, Knock…
Who’s there?
Phillip who?
Phillip my bag with Halloween candy, please!
- Knock, Knock…
Who’s there?
Witch who?
Witch one of you will give me lots of Halloween candy?
- Why didn’t the skeleton go to prom?
He had no body to go with.
- How do you know vampires love baseball?
They turn into bats every night.
- Who did the scary ghost invite to his party?
Any old friend he could dig up!
- Where do ghosts like to travel on vacation?
The Dead Sea!
- What’s a zombie’s favorite cereal?
Rice Creepies.
- The skeleton didn’t mind that everyone called him a bonehead.
- What’s it like being kissed by a vampire?
It’s a pain in the neck.
- Why did the skeleton climb up the tree?
Because a dog was after his bones!
- Where do ghosts go on holidays?
The Boohamas.
- What do skeletons fly around in?
A scareplane or a skelecopter.
- What sound do witches make when they eat cereal?
Snap, Cackle & Pop!
- What did the fisherman say on Halloween?
Trick or trout.
- What did one ghost say to the other?
Get a life!
- Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Boo who?
Don’t cry! I didn’t mean to scare you.
- Where do fashionable ghosts shop?
- Why are ghosts so bad at telling lies?
Because you can see right through them.
- What did the mother ghost say to the baby ghost as they drove down the street?
Buckle your sheet belt!
- Where do baby ghosts go during the day?
- Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Howl who?
Howl you know unless you open the door!
- What did the bird say on Halloween?
Twick or tweet.
- What do you call two witches sharing a broom?
- How do ghosts search the Web?
They use ghoul-gle.
- What’s a ghost’s favorite dessert?
I scream.
- Why do demons and ghouls hang out together?
Because demons are a ghoul’s best friend!
- What goes “Ha-ha-ha-ha!” right before a gigantic sounding crash and then keeps laughing?
A monster laughing it’s head off!
More Halloween Jokes & Puns
- Wanna know why skeletons are so calm?
Because nothing gets under their skin.
- What’s a skeleton’s favorite instrument?
A sax-a-bone.
- How do you fix a damaged jack-o-lantern?
You use a pumpkin patch!
- Why are graveyards so noisy?
Because of all the coffin.
- Knock Knock!
Who’s there?
Cement who?
Cement to scream when she saw Dracula but she fainted instead!
- What did one thirsty vampire say to the other as they were passing the morgue?
Let’s stop in for a cool one!
- Why didn’t the zombie go to school?
He felt rotten!
- What is a vampire’s pet peeve?
A Tourniquet!
- What has hundreds of ears but can’t hear a thing?
A cornfield!
- Why are skeletons so good at chopping down trees?
They’re LUMBARjacks!
- The skeleton canceled the gallery showing of his skull-ptures because his heart wasn’t in it.
- Where do ghosts like to trick-or-treat?
Dead ends.
- What type of plates do skeletons like to use?
Bone china.
- The skeleton decided to bone up on the facts for the big exam.
- What goes around a haunted house and never stops?
A fence.
- Who do monsters buy cookies from?
Ghoul scouts.
- Knock, Knock…
Who’s there?
Ben who?
Ben waiting to get candy all day!
- What happened to the man who didn’t pay his exorcist?
The house was repossessed.
- How does a vampire enter his house?
Through the bat flap!
- What did the girl horse dress up as for Halloween?
A night mare.
- Why is a cemetery a great place to write a story?
Because there are so many plots there!
- What Halloween candy should you give trick-or-treaters if you want them to think you’re rich?
A 100 grand candy bar
- Why do Jack-o-lanterns have wicked smiles?
Because they just had their brains scooped out!
- What do demons eat for breakfast?
Deviled eggs.
- Why are there fences around cemeteries?
Because people are dying to get in.
- What’s the best way to get rid of a demon?
Exorcise a lot.
- Why did the baby wrap itself in white cloth strips?
It was just trying to be just like its mummy.
- Why did the werewolf go to the dressing room when he saw the full moon?
He needed to change.
- Why do ghosts like to hang out at bars?
Because all of the Boos.
- Where is the best place to party on Halloween?
The g-RAVE-yard.
- What do you call a dancing ghost?
- Why couldn’t Dracula’s wife get to sleep?
Because of his coffin.
- Why do ghosts hate when it rains on Halloween?
It dampens their spirits.
- What is a vampire’s favorite fruit?
A neck-tarine.
Your Turn!
As always, it’s your turn to make us laugh!
Please share your favorite Halloween jokes in the comments down below. We can’t wait to hear them!