
11 Quick Tips to Develop a Confident Body Language

Confidence is the gift that truly keeps on giving.

For one thing, it ensures that you get the kind of positive attention that keeps opportunities coming like the wind. For another, it attracts the kind of respect that makes you heard and valued.

Of course, it is not always possible to display your confidence in a room of unknown people. So, how would you show that you mean business?

The answer to how you can appear confident in a new atmosphere lies in confident body language.

This post covers 11 quick tips that will help you improve in this vital area. Keep reading!

Confident body language - a confident Asian man.

What is confident body language?

A confident body language means more than just stomping around like you own the place. It means being able to broadcast your energy to those who don’t know you – without saying a single word.

This kind of message is not easy to send. It takes years of work on self-improvement and nurturing your confidence to make such body language come naturally.

Everybody wants to know how to make a statement simply through their presence. Still, no one has the time or energy to invest in detailed practices and waiting for the fruit of experience to get nice and ripe.

The good news for you is that you can do something about this right away. Small tweaks that you can make almost instantly can go a long way!

Let’s get started with our quick tips for confident body language!

Confident look.

Tip #1 – Make eye contact.

Making eye contact with people might not be such a big deal to some as it is to others. But the truth is, not a lot of people are comfortable making eye contact.

The lucky individuals born and raised as confident people who can stand their ground don’t realize that this impediment is quite hurtful for the rest of us.

Not making eye contact is a behavior that projects onto others that we are insecure and nervous. With that in mind, the first element of confident body language is to look people in the eye when you are interacting with them.

Tip #2 – Chin up, chest high.

There is one thing we don’t notice about ourselves as we move around. We tend to hide our faces from people surrounding us by slouching partially.

Slouching is terrible when it comes to the kind of impression it passes on about you.

A slouch means you’d rather the world hold you back.

This body language is in no way acceptable, so make sure your chin is up and facing everyone wherever you are. Combine this with strong and friendly eye contact, and you will start getting noticed faster than ever!

Tip #3 – Steer clear of pockets.

One habit that most of us have is that we tend to bury our hands in our pockets when we’re unsure what to do with them or are with any company and want to avoid fidgeting.

While fidgeting is not the best, the pocket seeking is just as bad, if not more. Confident body language means placing your hands where you can see them and appearing composed, so beware of this habit!

Confident body language mistake - don't keep your hands in your pockets.

Tip #4 – Watch your pace.

When we’re nervous or feel that others are watching us, we tend to walk faster to escape the situation as soon as possible.

All this accomplishes is establishing us as anxious flees.

The best way to project confident body language is by maintaining a pace that is just right. You have a firm step, but you aren’t in any hurry to get out of anywhere!

We have written an entire post dedicated to helping you learn how to walk with confidence, so make sure to check it out here!

Tip #5 – Don’t sweat it.

When we experience nervousness, sweating is bound to follow.

A good way to project confident body language is by making sure that this doesn’t happen. Of course, sweat doesn’t come and go at our beck and call, but the best way to monitor this occurrence is through controlled and regulated breathing.

The metaphorical aspect of not “sweating it” also applies because the more we try to appear calm and composed – the less that will be the case.

Tip #6 – Unfold and unwind.

Folding our arms is a frequent but unfortunate habit that most of us have.

This conveys the message that you are either uninterested or uncomfortable with the encounter or situation that they are currently in.

Confident body language requires that you keep your arms untangled around your body frame. This stance shows that you are unafraid, neither of the situation nor of saying what’s on your mind.

Confident body language mistake - don't cross your arms.

Tip #7 – Shake hands like you mean it.

A firm handshake speaks volumes, and this is something you might want to put great focus on.

A shaky handshake is a boring manifestation of hesitation and anxiousness.

If you want your body language to be confident and energetic, then don’t be afraid to put a little muscle in the way you shake people’s hands. Many people make judgments based on handshakes, as odd as that may sound, so you better pay attention to this small interaction!

Tip #8 – Good posture is good fortune.

Sure, good posture won’t guarantee that you’ll have a great day, but it sure can ensure that you’ll see the world standing up tall. Also, it communicates very confident body language.

Great posture is somewhat admirable to many. On the other hand, a flaky posture does not benefit in showing that you are confident — rather sketchy, to be completely honest.

Tip #9 – Imitation is not always bad.

Did you know that replicating the posture of those around you makes them like you, and they don’t even know it?

Well, now you do, and you can capitalize on this as much as possible.

The ambiance in every room you’ll walk in might be different. A good way to know you have confident body language is to make sure your gestures and movements orbit around the audience.

What do we mean by this?

It means that you will naturally appeal to more people if you show the will to communicate openly and effectively. A great way to do this is to learn about the mirroring technique. It refers to a moderate imitating of the verbal and nonverbal actions of the person you are talking to at the moment.

Ensure that you don’t go overboard, though – it can come off as a bit weird!

Confident young man.

Tip #10 – Know your space.

One of the things that distinguish confident body language from its hesitant and insecure counterpart is that confident people are not afraid to take up space. They know their boundaries well and function great within them.

Insecure individuals are unsure how and where they’re welcome, which is evident in their fidgeting and uncertain hand movements.

Here is a good first step to start improving in this area.

How do your posture and movements differ at home compared to your stance in a new restaurant, for example?

You feel comfortable at home, and hence you take up more space. The same goes for your favorite bar. You’ve been there dozens, if not hundreds of times. It’s your space, and you feel more relaxed.

Try to think of any new setting you are in as “your space”. You have been there, and you know what you are doing. This unusual little affirmation can be a game-changer!

Tip #11 – Regulate facial expressions.

A very important detail regarding body language is that people often think facial expressions do not come in that dimension.

This statement is wrong and hurts the overall impact that we aim to make through good body language.

Imagine someone complying with every aspect mentioned in the article but doing so while biting their lips or creasing their forehead. Your confident image starts crumbling down in no time.

Keep the face touching and different nervous facial expressions to a minimum. Just as you try to keep your posture relax and open, bring attention to your face from time to time, and you will be good to go.

Your Turn

We have reached the end of our comprehensive list. Which of these tips are you going to try to implement as soon as possible?

Let us know by leaving a comment down below!

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